Kevin Blondin Kevin Blondin

Juice Boxx Unleashed

Juice Boxx Unleashed

BIO - Juice Boxx

Drag Queen and hair-flipping extraordinaire Juice Boxx is small, sparkly, and adorable, but with a seductive twist.

Her smart hosting style perfectly balances her fun and flirty performances, which serve a blend of top 40s pop princess and enticing burlesque vixen. Juice began her career in the fast-paced drag scene of Toronto, where she excelled for years before being cast on the first season of Canada’s Drag Race.

Along with the stage, Juice Boxx spends much of her time streaming on Twitch. She has collaborated with companies like Dead by Daylight, McDonald’s and It Gets Better for a variety of different online events.

Although her status as “Canada’s Porkchop” (or first eliminated) on the show cut her time short, her cute and quirky personality won viewers over as she tripped, snagged, and fell her way to becoming a fan-favourite.

DM: Juice Boxx, spill the tea! What's the juiciest thing that's happened in your life since Canada's Drag Race Season 1?

JB: Honestly Since season 1 it's hard to lock down just one thing that's been the juiciest. I've built my brand up into something I'm very proud of with streaming and podcasting. I've been able to travel all over Canada performing.

Now that you've sashayed away from the Drag Race runway, how has your drag evolved?

I feel like I have found exactly how I want to be portrayed and how I want to perform vs how I felt I needed to perform. In Toronto you were expected to do 4-16 numbers in an evening and everything you did from your hair, costumes and makeup was dependant versatility and being able to work and dance. Now that I've been on drag race and given a bigger platform I'm able to express my art closer to how I want vs how I HAVE to, to be able to work. 

What exciting adventures have unfolded in your drag journey?

I was able to discover a lot about myself, and that's always a wild adventure. I discovered confidence and sobriety within my drag journey and it really helped me grow as a person. 

What is your best memory from being on Drag Race?

My best memory would be meeting the other girls, as we saw the entire filming process was quite stressful for me but being around my sisters was always something that helped calm me down.

We've heard you're a gaming enthusiast! What's your go-to game?

My personal favourite game is kingdom hearts 2, but I’ve definitely been so deep into the Spiderman games lately!

What’s new and exciting in the Game World?

I’m not too sure actually, I mostly just play for myself and my own enjoyment lately… I’ve got enough excitement in the drag fandom, I like to keep the gaming stuff in the no drama zone.

How does gaming influence your drag?

Gaming usually influences my costuming choices… I love to add aspects of cosplay into my drag or just flat-out full-blown cosplaying characters!

Are there any connections between gaming and drag?

Taking on a new persona and a fantasy definitely!!

Windsor roots run deep! How has your hometown shaped the fabulous queen we know and love today?

Trauma… haha. Growing up in Windsor wasn’t the most accepting place of who I was… but trauma makes you funny so at least I can make people laugh.

What is something special about your hometown?

My family, it is always nice to have a safe space to come back to.

Can you share any early drag memories from your hometown?

I didn’t start drag in Windsor, I started in Toronto about 5 years after I had left… but I do remember seeing Miss Conception, Devine Darlin and Sofonda Cox as the first queens I had interacted with at Windsor pride in like 2015.

How has your hometown influenced your drag identity?

I mean this in the nicest way possible... it has not.

How does it feel, and what does it mean to you, to be able to come back around and perform in your hometown?

It means a lot, especially seeing how much more accepting Windsor-Essex has become since I left. It’s really beautiful to see growth in a community after you’ve left.

You have a show coming up in Windsor in the New Year. What can fans expect from this hometown show?

I absolutely LOVE performing back home so one thing you can definitely expect is my parents in the back partying and getting rowdy!

Where and when is the event, and who else will be performing at the event?

It will be February 4th at The Barbershop Bar, with me and Koko Starr!

Speaking of roots, your CrossFit journey is as fierce as your drag! How does sweating it out at the gym inspire your performances?

Fitness was something I discovered with my sobriety journey, I wanted to feel happy and comfortable in my body OUT of drag. I was able to find community and fun within Crossfit and I’ve recently started training to become a coach to help others the way I was helped. Crossfit doesn’t really inspire my performance but it definitely gives me better stamina for longer shows.

Can you share any fitness tips for staying fabulous?

Drink plenty of water and SLEEP! Hydration and recovery are just as important as your workouts.

As we count down to the New Year, what resolutions are you making for yourself?

I honestly never make new years resolutions! I always have goals for myself year-round, so why make a deadline?

How will Juice Boxx conquer 2024 with a bang?

I’ve got a lot of shows I’m producing myself and with friends. I found for a long time I wasn’t getting cast in shows I was passionate about, so I decided why not create those opportunities for myself?

What is one thing that you hope to accomplish in 2024?

Keep being successful and hot.

What is your biggest memory from 2023?

DragCon 2023 I think was a big one for me. It’s always a wild time and this year was one of my favourites.

How do you celebrate on New Years Eve?

I usually go to bed at 9pm…

Can you spill some details about your latest podcasting venture and what listeners can expect?

Me and Synthia Kiss are taking on S4 of Canadas Drag Race and diving into exclusive interviews with the eliminated queens. We also recently announced a live tour so we’ll be going across Canada doing our show live! We may also make a stop in Windsor if you’re lucky!

How can fans tune in?

Listen wherever you listen to podcasts or on the SONAR network.

How else can fans keep up with all of your latest news?

Follow me on Instagram, TikTok or X!

Any new news coming up in the new year that you can share with us now?

Watch my socials for all show announcements but currently watch out for SemiQualifiedQueens LIVE in your city soon!

Lavender Promotions & Koko Starr Events Present:
The Babes Who Brunch

Sunday, February 4, 2024
At The Barbershop Bar

By Kevin Blondin

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